father: Tourmalynx Platon

mother : Felis Admiranda Gita

born: 10.05.2020.


Meet our Pussycat, only baby in litter but sometimes we have feeling that with her we have 27 cats more.      Crazy, active, playful and running through whole house all the time and trust me, she can be at 11 places at the same time. She got this character from Gita, she is our monkey girl ;) And coat, big ears and huge belly she got from father, our tender Platon.

Pussycat Black(silver?) Mackerel Tabby Pictures


Every kitten has its own album with many many pictures on our Facebook page ˝Felis Admiranda˝,

visit and take a look :)








           Meet our cats

 Good to know

       From new home

 Get to know us

In loving memory


FIFe registred Maine Coon Cattery since 2008.