father: Tourmalynx Platon

mother: Felis Admiranda Mut

born: 27.11.2020.


Years are passing by, some lines which you had in start and was normal for you, now it is history... and of course you love your new lines and new cats.. but always some special feeling stays for older lines. Our Mut is only "baby" which stayed after Greta and Act Of God (Bozica). Do I need to tell anything more? Welcome babies, so so so happy to have you all, all of you are so precious to us. This is combination of some older lines of Maine Coons, some lines which was normal 10 years ago, but now it is really rare to find this pedigree. Thank you Platon for making this posssible. Please welcome our „ancient history“ litter.
Persephona Blue Smoke Pictures
Pompeii Blue Smoke White Pictures
Partenon Blue Smoke Pictures
Penelope Black Classic Tabby Pictures
Philomena Blue Silver Classic Tabby White Pictures








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FIFe registred Maine Coon Cattery since 2008.